Running On A Trampoline vs Treadmill

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If you’ve been researching the difference between running on a trampoline vs treadmill, then you’ll be surprised with what has been researched here.

I know for a fact that trampolining gives a great cardio workout, and exceeds plain old treadmill running to a great degree.

Read on as I share with you what I have discovered. By the end of this article, you’ll be more than eager enough to stay fit and lose those fats with a trampoline.

Running On A Trampoline VS Treadmill

Recent studies have shown that running on a trampoline can burn as many calories as jogging for a mile in 10 minutes.

The treadmill allows you to run at faster or slower speeds in a stationary position. A trampoline is just the same. However, that is where the similarity ends because the trampoline has much better benefits.

First, it is low-impact compared to running on a treadmill. Your body does not need to receive all the force and the weight when your foot hits the jumping surface. Thus it has gentler after-workout effects.

The American Council on Exercise’s Chief Science Officer, Cedrix X. Bryant, Ph.D., says that trampoline workouts can be easier on joints. The jumping surface softens the impact of running.

I know that you’ll agree with me that one of the worst consistently killers for any workout is a body that feels sore from the last session. Another is boredom, which trampoline solves as well.

Jogging On A Trampoline For Weight Loss

Jogging on a trampoline yields a better outcome in the long run than on jogging paths alone. Aside from being able to do your workout consistently every day, you’ll definitely be eager to be back for more because it’s more fun.

Losing weight means engaging your entire body in full cardio and aerobic workout. The easiest and most fun way to do it is with a trampoline.

Instead of just jogging in place, you got to jog and bounce in place. You can add ankle weights for strength training too.

In fact, even just alternating your jogging with just simple bouncing and some arm rotations can work you up. You can also mix and match other exercise routines. Jumping jacks is very easy and fun to do on a trampoline. Alternate it with jogging and you’re sure to have a very productive cardio workout.

Jogging on a trampoline doesn’t only make you lose weight but gives these 3 primary benefits as well:

  1. It improves your balance
  2. Promotes well-being because it’s not a strenuous workout but actually a fun one
  3. Keeps you healthy by detoxifying your body naturally

Trampoline VS Running

Since we’re already on the subject, is trampolining better than running? My answer is yes. However, the experience will still depend on your preference.

There is a reason why there are so many fitness routines available to us today. That is so we can choose the one which we will enjoy doing the most and stick to it consistently.

In fact, you can mix and match some of them. For instance, if you love running but the weather outside is somewhat restricting you, you can always go running on a trampoline.

As you incorporate bouncing with your routine, you activate the body’s latent power to detoxify and strengthen itself at the cellular level

Treadmill VS Rebounder

When I mentioned earlier that trampoline has much better benefits, it is not only limited to the actual usage. In fact, the equipment itself is so much better in terms of:

  • Cost
  • Maintenance
  • Setting Up
  • Space Requirements

Trampolines are a lot cheaper than treadmills, especially the mini fitness types. Even backyard trampolines are cheaper than treadmills and they are definitely more fun to use.

A mini exercise trampoline requires a smaller space than that of a treadmill. However, you always have an option to go big and even get a 15-foot trampoline for your backyard.

You don’t actually need any professional help in setting it up.

Perhaps my best reason for having a trampoline in my home gym is that it’s more fun to use and trendier than having a boring treadmill which is very monotonous for me.

Wrapping It Up

Getting and staying fit should never be stressful. It just defeats the purpose. Running on a trampoline vs treadmill is a much better option. You have lots of ways to have fun and remain consistent with your workouts than plain old boring treadmills.

6 thoughts on “Running On A Trampoline vs Treadmill”

  1. I’ve always wanted to know the difference…thanks for sharing this informative post! I think I’ll venture out into doing trampoline next month.

  2. I always knew there’s more to trampoline than just for recreational purposes. And as you said, they are so much cheaper than a treadmill.

  3. You’ve got amazing articles here. I was looking for a fitness trampoline early this month, and ended up getting the Skywalker 15ft for the entire family after reading your review. Now I’m back here and enjoying more of your articles. Keep it up! 🙂

  4. I agree with you that treadmill is a lot more expensive and I know it’s going to eat up my entire living room space. Rebounder is not just a great choice but the only possible choice for me. I got the JumpSport 250 from this site and it really met my expectations.

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