Are Trampolines Safe For Toddlers?

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With the growing popularity of trampoline parks these days, it becomes even more important to answer the question: “Are trampolines safe for toddlers?”

The quick answer is yes. You might find this absurd knowing that accidents in trampoline parks are quite common, but hear me out as I expand to you why trampolines are safe and why I recommend them in the first place.

Are Trampolines Safe For Toddlers

Children, no matter the age, has a more fragile bone density and structure than adults. They are susceptible to injuries almost every time. Falling off a chair or missing a step on the stairs can lead to injury. A trampoline may also cause injuries, but the body reacts in a much different way.

When a child jumps on a trampoline, her body knows that she’s on a high-risk activity. Every part of her is on “alert” mode. When a child accidentally falls down from the stairs, she is taken by surprise and so her body is not at the capacity to fully withstand it.

As a matter of fact, even adults experience the same thing. Which do you think gives a more unpleasant experience? Being pushed at the poolside without your knowledge or taking a plunge yourself? Personally, I’d go and dive at the pool myself.

There are 2 rules of thumb to remember when it comes to trampoline safety, especially for kids:
The more kids using the trampoline at the same time the more unsafe it is
The higher the jump, the greater the risk

Let’s not expect toddlers to be jumping really high on a trampoline yet, but the more they exert themselves to jumping higher, the more it can lead to injuries.

The safest type of jump for toddlers is always light to moderate bouncing. It’s pretty much what they would do when jumping on the bed.

There are more risks involved with your child jumping on a trampoline park with other children. There are just too many variables involved. That is why it is preferable to have one at home. You can supervise the activity better, allowing only up to 3 children using a large trampoline at the same time.

My premise is that even if your child knows how to bounce safely on a trampoline, you can never be too sure with other kids around.

Trampoline Age Recommendation

As soon as your child can start walking on their own, you can have them start bouncing on a trampoline. However, I strongly discourage bringing them to a trampoline park yet. Grade schoolers might end up hurting your child as they jump wildly about.

A mini trampoline like the Little Tikes trampoline is what you’ll be needing for your toddler. It is one of the best for kids under 5 years of age.

Jumping on a kid’s trampoline allows your 3-year-old child to experience the following benefits:

  • Improve balance
  • Boosts self-esteem
  • Better motor skills
  • Improve cardio
  • More restful sleep

The last item is the a boon to parents. With the little one sleeping soundly, you can get a window of opportunity to do the other things. In addition, your child wakes up in a good mood too.

Reasons Why Trampolines Are Safe

Comparing the safety of a trampoline with the safety of riding a bike is like comparing apples to oranges. However, like both fruits, both of these activities are beneficial not only to children but to adults as well.

When you compare trampoline with other similar activities like jumping on the bed, trampolines are a lot safer.

Let’s face it, it can be very hard to keep your children from jumping on the bed. We did it too when we were still kids. Falling off a bed is a lot riskier, though. For one, the fall height is higher. Then there are also possibilities of hitting the headboard or the drawer.

A trampoline specifically designed for 2 or 3-year-olds are a lot safer. Most of them have bars that the child can hold on too while jumping.

Wrapping It Up

The possibilities of injury with trampolines are the same as with riding a bike or almost any other physical activity like going up or down the stairs. It’s all about supervision when it comes to small children. That is why trampoline parks and toddlers do not go well.

Having a mini trampoline at home is the way to do it. The benefits outweigh activities like watching TV or playing video games all day. So are trampolines safe for toddlers? Yes, they are, with proper supervision and with the right trampoline at home.